To ensure the success of this important meeting, we ask for your generous support.
To sponsor the 2020 National Metabolomics Workshop and Symposium, complete this Sponsorship Commitment Form.
Gold Sponsor – $3,000, Silver level benefits PLUS – a scientist speaker slot in the symposium program (limited available slots, focusing on technologies and applications, no sales talk).
Silver Sponsor – $2000, Bronze level benefits PLUS – a display table in the lobby.
Bronze Sponsor – $1500, Copper level benefits PLUS – inclusion of a web link to your company’s website on the conference website and the sales representative’s contact information.
Copper Sponsor – $1000, General level benefits plus inclusion on a slide of sponsors between speakers.
General Sponsor – $750, Friend level benefits plus listing as a sponsor on all conference advertising (emails, posters, etc.).
Friend Sponsor – $500, A special listing in program for all sponsors, with levels identified.
Please feel free to contact Dr. Sixue Chen ( if you have any questions.